Therapy for Perinatal, Postpartum, & Infertility in Houston

They weren’t joking when they said “It takes a village”

Perinatal mental health encompasses the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals during pregnancy and the first year after childbirth. This period can bring a range of emotions and challenges, and it’s essential to address these with appropriate support.

We specialize in providing empathetic and effective therapy for perinatal mental health. Whether you are trying to conceive, are expecting a baby, or adjusting to life with a newborn, we provide the compassionate care you need to navigate this transformative period with confidence and support.

If you’re facing challenges related to perinatal mental health, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards emotional well-being and recovery.

Read more about our specializations in perinatal mental health below.

Therapy for Infertility

We offer specialized therapy for individuals and couples navigating the emotional challenges of infertility. Our goal is to provide a compassionate and supportive environment where you can address the emotional aspects of infertility and find the guidance you need during this challenging time.

Infertility can be an incredibly emotional and stressful experience, affecting not only your physical well-being but also your mental and emotional health. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been struggling with infertility for some time, our therapy services are designed to support you through every stage. Infertility can involve:

  • Emotional Strain: Feelings of sadness, frustration, and grief about the inability to conceive.

  • Relationship Stress: Strains on your relationship with your partner due to the pressures and emotions surrounding infertility.

  • Coping with Treatment: Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of infertility treatments and medical interventions.

  • Identity and Self-Esteem Issues: Dealing with changes in self-perception and identity as a result of infertility.

If you’re ready to explore therapy for infertility and find support for the emotional aspects of your journey, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward emotional well-being.

Or, Check out our Infertility Group Therapy offering.

Therapy for Pregnancy & Infant Loss

The loss of a pregnancy or an infant can bring about an overwhelming range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion. This experience can affect not only your emotional well-being but also your relationships and sense of self. Our therapy services are designed to support you through the grieving process and help you find healing. Common challenges include:

  • Grief and Sadness: Coping with the profound sorrow of losing a pregnancy or infant.

  • Relationship Strain: Navigating the impact of loss on your relationship with your partner and loved ones.

  • Guilt and Self-Blame: Managing feelings of guilt or self-blame that may arise after a loss.

  • Emotional and Physical Healing: Addressing the emotional and physical aspects of your grief and recovery.

We offer specialized therapy for individuals and couples experiencing the profound grief of pregnancy and infant loss. We understand that losing a pregnancy or an infant is a deeply personal and painful experience, and we are here to provide the compassionate support and guidance you need to navigate this challenging time.

If you are seeking support for pregnancy or infant loss, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey toward emotional healing and recovery.

Therapy for Postpartum Anxiety/ Depression

Here at Cactus Counseling & Art Therapy, we understand that pregnancy is just the beginning of the perinatal period. We specialize in providing empathetic and effective therapy for postpartum anxiety and depression. Because it truly takes a village. Navigating the emotional challenges of the postpartum period can be overwhelming, and we are here to offer the support and guidance you need to find relief and regain your well-being.

Postpartum anxiety and depression are common conditions that affect many new parents. These challenges can arise after childbirth and significantly impact your emotional and mental health. It’s important to recognize that you’re not alone, and effective help is available. we offer a supportive and personalized approach to therapy that addresses the unique challenges of postpartum anxiety and depression. Our goal is to provide a nurturing environment where you can feel understood and supported.

If you are struggling with postpartum anxiety or depression, we are here to help. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards emotional well-being and recovery.

Contact Us

Fill out your information to get in contact with our staff to set up a consultation call or to book an appointment.