Our Services

We offer individual talk therapy and group therapy virtually. Clients have the choice to engage with either Art Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, or opt for traditional talk therapy.

Areas of clinical focus include:

Holistic therapy such as creative approaches and Somatic Experiencing can build a sense of safety and can help release the tension you feel inside. These techniques are evidenced-based approaches that offer many benefits like:

  • Mind-body Connection: Have you ever noticed how physical stress, anxiety, and other mental health can feel inside? That is because the mind and body are linked! Holistic therapy can help build this bridge, so that you can tap into your body's wisdom to process emotions and release tension.

  • Non-Verbal Communication: Art is a great way to express your emotions in a non-verbal way. Many of my clients struggle to find words that feel sufficient enough to capture the essence of their experiences. I always say- words are clumsy! This approach offers a way for you to explore and communicate your inner world, even when words fail.

  • Self-Awareness: Holistic therapy can help you gain insight into your emotions, behaviors, and patterns, fostering greater self-awareness and confidence.

  • Stress Reduction: Art-making and grounding exercises such as deep breathing, gentle movement, or body scans can promote relaxation and reduce stress. The goal is to help you regulate your nervous system, so that you can feel more present, calm, and relieved.

  • Catharsis and Emotional Release: Art-making can help you release pent up emotions in your body to externalize your inner experiences.

Benefits of our Holistic Approaches