Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing is a body-centered approach to healing trauma that recognizes the deep connection between mind and body.

So, what exactly is Somatic Experiencing? At its core, it's a therapeutic technique developed to address the effects of trauma on the body. Unlike traditional talk therapy that focuses mainly on cognitive processing, Somatic Experiencing delves into the physical sensations and responses associated with traumatic experiences.

SE can help you with:

  • trauma

  • emotional dysregulation

  • mind-body connection

  • chronic stress and pain

Imagine this: when we face a threatening or overwhelming situation, our body's natural response kicks in. However, sometimes these responses get stuck, leaving us feeling trapped in a cycle of fear, anxiety, or numbness. Somatic Experiencing aims to release this pent-up energy, allowing the body to complete its natural cycle of response and return to a state of balance.

You might be wondering- how does it work? Through gentle guidance and awareness, a trained Somatic Experiencing practitioner helps you tune into your body's sensations and impulses. By gradually exploring your inner world in a safe and supportive environment, you can begin to unravel the patterns of tension and release held within your body.

One of the most beautiful aspects of Somatic Experiencing is its emphasis on your body's innate wisdom. Rather than imposing external solutions, the process encourages trust in your body's ability to heal itself. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where you reclaim ownership of your body and rewrite your narrative of resilience.